Insurance providers don’t advertise their formulas for calculating premiums. However, some common factors definitely affect the cost. Some are beyond your control, but others are within it.

Here’s what insurers consider when you apply for health and life insurance.


Age is the number one factor insurers consider when you apply for health and life insurance. Statistics show the younger you are, the less likely you are to file a claim.

While you can’t magically turn back the clock, you can buy your policies at the earliest possible age to reduce your insurance costs.

Body Mass Index

Body mass index (BMI) measures body fat based on height and weight. Generally, those with a high body mass index pay more for insurance. Statistics show these individuals are more likely to develop health issues such as diabetes and joint and heart problems.

Maintaining a healthy body weight can lead to lower insurance premiums and you’ll feel better too.

Current Health

A medical exam is often a requirement of insurance coverage and if it indicates potential health issues, you may pay more. Regular visits to your family doctor and a healthy lifestyle can help you avoid unwelcome news after an insurance medical exam.

Medical History

Insurers look at medical records to judge the risk of future health issues. Once again, eating well, exercising, and maintaining a healthy body weight reduce risk. If you have a major health concern, it will affect your coverage options.

Insurance companies also look at your family medical history to access risk of hereditary diseases. Even though you may never develop a disease, the potential exists and you may pay more.


Insurers charge women less for insurance since they tend to live longer than men. This reduces the likelihood of a claim.

Occupation & Hobbies

Your job and hobbies can certainly affect your insurance premiums. If you work in a dangerous occupation where you’re at higher risk of accidents and injuries, you will pay more for coverage.

If you’re a rock climber, paraglider, rally driver, or surfer you could also pay more. If you travel out-of-country routinely you may also pay higher premiums.

Marital Status

Married couples tend to live longer and are healthier than single people. As a result, they usually pay less for health insurance. Plus, couples can buy policies together for additional savings.


Countless studies prove smoking increases the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other conditions. Consequently, insurers charge smokers significantly more for insurance. Quit and you could qualify for lower health and life insurance premiums.

Alcohol Consumption

Occasional, moderate drinking may not affect your insurance premiums, but routine or excessive drinking can. Long-term or heavy drinking can lead to heart problems, dementia, stroke, depression, liver disease, and stomach issues.

Driving Record

Wait! Aren’t we discussing health and life insurance? What does your driving record have to do with it?

Insurers look at your driving record to access risk. If you’ve had multiple violations they’ll consider you risky and more likely to file a claim. Maintain a clean driving record for lower health and life insurance premiums.

Policy Type

Insurance policies vary greatly and insurance coverage is very complex. Consequently, it makes sense to seek expert advice.

Going it alone could cost you more so why not take advantage of every resource available to you? Remember, an independent insurance agency like ours understands the industry and works for you, not the insurance companies. Contact us today for a free policy review.

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