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Are you an aggressive driver? According to the Claims Journal, nearly 8 of every 10 U.S. drivers admit expressing anger, aggression or road rage at least once in the previous year, according to a survey released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. The aggressive behaviors include following too closely, yelling at another driver, cutting them off or making angry gestures.

The survey showed that the most aggrieved drivers are young men ages 19 to 39. Male drivers were three times more likely than females to have gotten out of a car to confront another driver or rammed another vehicle on purpose. In addition, nearly 9 in 10 drivers saw aggressive driving as “a serious threat to their personal safety”.

This is a scary trend as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that about two-thirds of crash deaths involve aggressive driving. The agency recently reported that traffic deaths surged last year to 35,200 as drivers racked up more miles behind the wheel than ever before.

In a world full of uncontrollable and unexplained accidents, it is essential to maintain a cool head and focus while on the road. If you are feeling rage and anger while driving, pull over. Give yourself and the other motorists a break!

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