Skier As a skier and lover of all things outdoors, I love the snow! There is a lot of enjoyment from the snowfall and that can range from playing outside with the dogs, skiing, going sledding, or just simply dropping down to make a snow angel!

Nor’Easter’s Can Cause Snowmelt 
This time of year in the Northeast we are at a tremendous risk for storms called Nor’easter’s. These Nor’easter’s are defined by winds from the north-east and can range from wind to rain and snow. An east wind can bring up heavy storm surge or
snowmelt as defined by NFIP:


A midwinter or early spring thaw can produce large amounts of runoff in a short period of time. Because the ground is hard and frozen, water cannot penetrate and be reabsorbed. The water then runs off the surface and flows into lakes, streams and rivers, causing excess water to spill over their banks.

Maintain Your Flood Insurance

Just because we associate flooding with hurricane season, does not mean that we are out of the woods. It is important to maintain your flood insurance in New York and New Jersey, year round and to protect yourself from the unknown. If you are unsure where to start or which type of flood insurance to choose, call our team of experts at LG Insurance today, 877-288-7169!

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