In observance of the upcoming Earth Day 2016, one cannot ignore global warming and our changing environment. In fact, living along the coast of New Jersey we are experiencing our own climate changes along with increased storm intensity and surges (think Hurricane Sandy).

The news from scientists isn’t getting better. A recent study, as written by the NY Times, reports that sea levels are rising at a much faster rate than previously thought. The great ice sheet, larger than Mexico, is thought to be potentially vulnerable to disintegration from a relatively small amount of global warming, and capable of raising the sea level by 12 feet or more should it break up. But researchers long assumed the worst effects would take hundreds — if not thousands — of years to occur. The new research suggests the disaster scenario could play out much sooner.

Continued high emissions of heat-trapping gases could launch a disintegration of the ice sheet within decades, according to the study, heaving enough water into the ocean to raise the sea level as much as three feet by the end of this century.

With ice melting in other regions, too, the total rise of the sea could reach five or six feet by 2100, the researchers found. That is roughly twice the increase reported as a plausible worst-case scenario by a United Nations panel just three years ago, and so high it would likely provoke a profound crisis within the lifetimes of children being born today.

This is scary stuff – so what does the future hold? With the rising level of the oceans, the growing coastal population, the additional development associated with it, and the possible increasing severity of storms, it means that people and property are increasingly at risk. What are some ways we can protect ourselves?

  • Defend the shoreline with man-made or natural barriers
  • Adapt by raising structures and infrastructure above projected flood levels
  • Don’t build so close to the water
  • PROPERLY INSURE YOURSELF – homeowners insurance and flood insurance are tools a property owner can use to protect themselves against risk. As risk increases, so should your insurance. This is a good time to re-evaluate your insurance needs.

All content provided in this blog is for informational purposes only. Topics discussed on this blog relate to insurance products and issues in a general application, and are not an offer of insurance, a guarantee of coverage, or applicable to specific and individual circumstances.  Contact LG Insurance Agency for questions and information specific to your insurance needs.

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